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Complete this panel to review or modify personal settings that affect the operation of the Designer Studio, the Business Analyst portal, and the Explorers. C-2268B-20084


Select Preferences from the Profile menu. The Profile menu is accessed by the down-arrow (downarrow) to the right of your own full name displayed in the header of your developer-role portal (the Designer Studio or Business Analyst portal).

Reviewing and updating preferences

  1. Choose a preference group from the control at the left.
  2. Review or change preferences in that group.
  3. Click Save to apply your changes. Changes are effective immediately. Preferences are retained and apply the next time you log into this system.

  General preferences

Complete the following preferences to control the behavior of the window for the Designer Studio or Business Analyst portal.



Full screen?

Select to cause the portal to open at full screen size the next time you log in. B-20027

NoteClearing this checkbox when in full screen mode has no immediate effect. To reduce the portal window for the current session, use Windows operations. B-20095 rejected

Run process in

The selections in the Run process in section define the behavior that happens when you begin a new work object in the portal by selecting Availability > Run Process in either the Designer Studio or Business Analyst portal window.

In the drop-down list, select where work object forms appear:

  • View — Presents the work object entry form, assignments, and other user interactions in the portal's workspace.
  • Popup — Presents the work object entry form, assignments, and other user interactions in a pop-up window, closed after each submission.
  • New Portal — Presents the work object entry form, assignments, and other user interactions in a separate window and separate Thread. If you select New Portal, select a portal rule to be used. The selected portal must be a portal with a User role; for example, Manager.

SmartPrompt Optional. If you select View or Popup, choose a skin rule to use in the portal when running the process. If not blank, this skin rule overrides the skin rule identified in the portal rule, when you open, edit or preview a harness, section, or flow action rule, or execute a flow using Run > Process > (flow name). 5.5 GRP-503

If a skin is circumstanced, it will be applied during runtime if the circumstance condition is true.V6.1 proj-242 grp-5980

Warn always?

Select to require a confirmation each time you click the Log off link.

Warn when data has changed?

Select to require a confirmation when you use the Close button (Close) for a rule or data form that contains modified but unsaved data.

  General preferences — Keyboard

To view or change keyboard preferences, click the plus sign in the left panel to expand the General group, and then click the Keyboard link.

Set the preferences in this group to control use of keyboard shortcuts when using the Designer Studio window or Business Analyst portal window. PROJ-340 5.3 GAGNP See Navigating with keyboard shortcuts.




Select to allow use of keyboard shortcuts in the portal window, such as CTRL + 0 to log off. Clear to disable these shortcuts.

Restore Defaults

Click to reset all keyboard shortcuts to the default values.

Show Current

Click to display all of your current keyboard settings.


To view or change a single keyboard shortcut, select a Category from the list in the left panel and then select a Command from the list in the right panel.

Category Select the category that includes the command you want to view or change.
Command Select a command in the category.
ShortCut Key

Define a shortcut for the selected command, by selecting or clearing checkboxes for the CTRL key, the ALT key, and a letter, digit or function key. Select at least one of the CTRL or ALT checkboxes.

NoteChose shortcut assignments carefully. This facility allows you to override (reassign) keyboard shortcut values that are defined by Microsoft Internet Explorer, such as CTRL+ C for Windows clipboard copy or CTRL + V for Windows clipboard paste, while using either the Designer Studio or Business Analyst portal window. Consult Microsoft Help for a complete list of built-in shortcuts.

Click Save to record your changes.

  General preferences — Log off

To view or change log off preferences, click the plus sign in the left panel to expand the General group, and then click the Log off link.

Set these preferences to determine the details to save when you log out. These choices affect the initial appearance and state of the portal window when you next log in.



Full State of Desktop Select to save all three states described in the following checkboxes. B-25346 BUG-709
Open List Select to save the Currently Open (Currently Open) list when you log out. The system reopens the objects on this list when you next log in. NOT WORKING ???
Open Rules Select to cause rules and data instances that are open when you log out to be reopened when you next log in. B-19318
Explorer Tab Select to save the Application Explorer state (and the state of other visible explorers) when you log out. The system restores these tools when you next log in. NOT WORKING ???

  Edit preferences

Set the Edit preferences to affect the presentation of rule forms and data forms in the workspace.

Depending on the portal you are using, these preferences may be locked and not changeable. This condition is controlled by the Operator cannot override checkbox on the Options tab of the Portal form.



Rule Actions

Set these preferences to affect the appearance of open forms in the portal window.

Expand header

Select to present a newly opened rule or data form with the header visible (Header open) rather than collapsed (Header closed). See Identifying parts of rule and data forms.

Maximum open rules

Select to control how many rules (or data instances) can be open at once and shown on the Tab bar. The default is 20, the maximum allowed. When you reach this maximum, you can't open an additional form until you close another. B-19339 B-21573 See Designer Studio — Working with the Tab Bar.

Changes to this value take effect the next time you log in. BUG-1420 rejected


Set two preferences to affect the operation of the portal after you click the Delete toolbar button (Delete).


Select to ask for confirmation for each requested Delete (Delete) operation.


Select to close a rule form or data form immediately when a Delete operation is successful.

Save As

Set the Auto Check-out preference to control check-out.

Auto Check-out

Select to automatically check out a new rule you create with the Save As (Save As..) toolbar operation. (Checkout occurs only when both the RuleSet containing the new rule and your own Operator ID are enabled for checkout.) PROJ-225 CHENK

Flow Edit

Set these preferences to affect the operation of the Flow form. XXXXXXXXX WHICH OF THESE WORK WITH THE 62 PROCESS MODELER?

Show GridLines

When this option is selected, a grid appears in the background when you edit a flow in Visio. This can help you lay out the shapes in a pleasing and logical manner.

Collapse Nav Pane

Select to automatically hide the navigation panel when editing a flow in Visio. This allows more of the form to be visible at once. 5.3


Select Portrait or Landscape to control the default presentation of flows in Visio. You can override this setting for a flow rule in the Flow Properties panel. See Flow rules — Editing in Visio — Flow Properties. GRP-200


Select the stencil that is the default for new flow rules you create. See Business Process Modeling Notation. Existing flow rules are not affected by this preference, even when you later update them.

You can override this preference when you create a single flow rule by completing the Use Template field on the New form. See Flow rules — Completing the New Form.

When editing a flow rule in Visio, you can change the current stencil using the Flow Properties panel. See Flow rules — Editing in Visio — Flow properties.

Property Panel These preferences control operation of property panels on Harness, Section, and Flow Action forms.

Select to apply changes you make to a Cell Property panel, Layout panel, or other similar panels automatically as soon as you tab from a field.

When this option is selected, the panel is pinned.



  • Warn Always — A warning of potential loss of your inputs occurs if you click OK without previously clicking Apply (or Cancel). You can cancel the close.
  • Warn when not pinned — A warning occurs if the Cell Properties panel is not pinned to a fixed location and you click OK without previously clicking Apply (or Cancel).
  • Never warn — No warnings occur. Changes you made (if any) since last clicking Apply are lost.

5.4 PROJ-649 (If selected, a warning dialog appears if you close a panel without clicking Apply or Cancel.)

You can't change this setting when Auto-Apply is selected.

  View preferences

Set View preferences to control which Explorer tools appear in the navigation panel.

NoteOnly the Application Explorer is visible in the Business Analyst portal window. Only those View preferences that apply to the Application Explorer take effect in the Business Analyst portal window.



Explorer Tabs  
Show All

Select to cause the Designer Studio window to display all available Explorers. Clear to select Explorers individually.

TipExcluding Explorer tools that you never use can improve the performance of the Designer Studio.

NoteThe Project Explorer is visible only for applications that have the Project Management feature enabled. Visibility of the Project Explorer is not affected by preference settings.

Application Explorer

Select to have the Application Explorer available in the navigation panel. See About the Application Explorer.

Class Explorer

Select to have the Class Explorer available in the navigation panel. See About the Class Explorer. (Not applicable in the Business Analyst portal.)

Rules Explorer

Select to have the Rules Explorer available in the navigation panel. See About the Rules Explorer. (Not applicable in the Business Analyst portal.)

My Rules

Select to have the My Rules explorer available in the navigation panel. See About My Rules.GRP-21934

App Explorer

Click to review or modify Application Explorer preferences. See Setting Application Explorer preferences.

Class Explorer

Click to select which base classes and other top-level classes appear in the Class Explorer selection box. (Not applicable in the Business Analyst portal.) See Setting Class Explorer preferences.

My Alerts Pop-up  
Show Popup

Select this checkbox to have a small alert window appear when your requestor session produces an alert. (The window does not interfere with processing or typing and disappears quickly; no click is required to dismiss it.) See Working with the My Alerts tool. 5.5 GRP-384


These controls affect the order and labeling of nodes in the Class Explorer and Application Explorer trees. These settings do not affect which rules and classes appear.


Select: B-20030

  • Parent  — Presents subclasses to the right of the class identified in the Parent (directed inheritance) field on the Basic tab
  • Pattern — Presents subclasses to the right of the class based on pattern inheritance.

For example:

  • Under Parent inheritance, the class PegaSample-SimpleTask (a work type) appears as a subclass of Work-Object-. Under Pattern inheritance, the PegaSample-SimpleTask class appears as a subclass of PegaSample.
  • Under Parent inheritance, the Rule-Obj-FlowAction class appears as a subclass of the Rule-HTML-Section class. Under Pattern inheritance, the Rule-Obj-FlowAction class appears as a subclass of the abstract Rule-Obj- class.
Display Type

Select how objects are identified in the Class Explorer and Application Explorer:

  • Name  — Presents the name (or a segment of a class name)
  • Label   — Presents the Short Description text
Your application can contain multiple rules with identical Short Description text. For example, two distinct properties with the text "Credit Limit" as Short Description text can both appear as nodes on the tree.

  Tools preferences

These preferences affect the operation of specific tools.

Launch in new window

Select the appropriate checkbox to cause the corresponding tool to open in a new window when you start the tool. Clear the checkbox to start the tool in a pane within the portal workspace.



Clipboard See About the Clipboard tool
Performance See About the Performance tool
Style viewer See About the Style Viewer

Feedback pin



Show Pin This preference applies only if the current system is associated with a Project Management Framework 6.1+ system. Select to display the pushpin Pushpinwhen this feature is enabled. See Direct Feedback feature and Project Management Framework.

  Search preferences

Set Search preferences to control the Search facility at the upper right of the Designer Studio. See Designer Studio — Using the Search facility.



Maximum number of results to display  
Initial Results

Select Select a value between 10 and 50 to limit how many initial search responses are initially displayed. A lower limit produces faster response.

Regardless of the limit you set, you can access a larger set of search responses by clicking the More... link from the Search results pop-up.

Full-Rule Results

Select Select a value between 250 and 5,000 to limit how many full Rule- search responses are displayed. A lower limit produces faster response.

Full-Data Results

Select Select a value between 250 and 5,000 to limit how many full Data- search responses are displayed. A lower limit produces faster response.


The system saves preferences as an instance of the Data-CESettings class.

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