Supporting evidence
The KYC questions sometimes must be supplemented it with relevant evidence. This evidence includes scanned documents, screen shots, and even another case associated to the customer. The KYC application provides an extensible Supporting Evidence framework that you can use to configure the type of evidence that you want to supplement the KYC questions.
You can customize these evidence types or add new evidence types that better represent your business needs.
Financial institutions may require that each of the questions on the KYC Type have a distinct supporting evidence rule. Each supporting evidence rule can be specialized by the application layers so that each layer in a multi-layered application structure can have different evidence types without having to specialize the KYC Type.
In addition to referencing a specific evidence type, you can configure questions to require or waive the need of supporting evidence in general. Users can select a decision rule on the KYC question configuration window of the KYC Type rule form to determine whether the evidence is mandatory or optional for that specific question.
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