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Screen layout - Region properties - General tab

Updated on February 7, 2022

Click the View properties icon in the header of the region of the screen layout to display the Properties panel for that region.

Section Specify the section that you want to use. You can specify an existing section or type a new section name and click the Open icon to create or open the section.
Standard Parameters If standard parameters are:
  • defined for the section, then the parameters display here, along with a field into which you can enter the value that you want to pass to each parameter.
  • not defined for the section, then the No parameters to set message displays. To define parameters for the section, open the section and select the Parameters tab.

Alternatively, you can select the Pass current parameter page to pass the current parameter page to the section.

Visibility Select one of the following to control when the region is visible:
  • Always : always visible
  • Condition (expression) : the region is visible under the specified condition. In the field that displays, select a condition or click the Gear icon to open the Condition Builder. You can define a simple expression based on the comparison of a pair of constants, properties, or both, combined by Boolean operators, such as .Color="Red". You can combine the expression with a when condition rule or another expression using the && and || operators.
  • Condition (when) : the region is visible under the specified condition. In the field that displays, select a when rule. Click the Open icon to create a new when condition or review an existing when condition.
Run visibility condition on client?

Appears when you select Conditional Visibility and enter a simple expression in the field that displays.

Select the Run visibility condition on client check box to cause dynamic execution of the condition each time the value of a property stated in the condition changes. This cannot be used if the expression is combined with a when condition rule.

Conditions are automatically re-evaluated when the user updates a property value. By default, controls that allow typing, such as Text Input, are evaluated when the user leaves the field. To re-evaluate conditions as the user types, use the Apply Conditions action with a Keyboard event.

Title Optional. Type text to display in the header or subheader. This text may include directives or JSP tags, such as <p:r > or <pega:lookup >.

If you plan to localize the application, choose the text carefully and limit the length to no more than 64 characters. A field value rule with this text as the final key part is needed for each locale. See Internationalization and localization.

Page context Select or confirm the page context for the section:
  • Use current page context — uses the class ( Applies To key part) of the current section
  • Use data page — in the field that displays, press the down arrow and select the data page. If the data page accepts parameters, then the parameters display here, along with a field into which you can enter the values that you want to pass to the parameters.
  • Use clipboard page — specify the clipboard page in the field that displays. Press the down arrow and select to reference:
    • a property on the primary page: select Primary. Primary, followed by a dot, displays in the field. Press the down arrow to select the property name that you want to use as the page context for the section.
    • a parameter on the parameter page: select Param. Param, followed by a dot, displays in the field. Press the down arrow to select the parameters you want to specify as the page context for the section.
  • Use page defined by property — specify the property that defines the page that you want to use.
Refresh condition Optional. Enter a simple expression based on the comparison of a pair of constants, properties, or both, combined by Boolean operators. Click the Gear icon to open the Condition Builder. Click the Open icon to review or create a new rule.

As a best practice, use the Condition Builder to edit expressions, or to trigger a refresh based on a property change or the addition or deletion of a row or column in a repeating layout. The editor also enables you to specify a pre-activity or data transform.

See Using the Condition Builder to configure dynamic form actions.

Associated privilegesSelect this check box to enable only users with specific privileges to view or update the section.
View privilege Optional. To restrict the presentation of this section (in read-only mode) to those users who hold a specific privilege, select the Privilege Name key part of a privilege rule. Click the Open icon to review or create the privilege rule.
Update privilege Optional. To restrict the presentation of this section (in read-write mode) to those users who hold a specific privilege, select the Privilege Name key part of a privilege rule. Click the Open icon to review or create the privilege rule.

If a user holds the privilege in the View Privilege field but does not hold the privilege identified in this field, the section appears in read-only format. In this case, default values for fields are not shown.

Display header and title Enter text to appear in the header or subheader. This text may include directives or JSP tags, such as <p:r > or <pega:lookup >.

If you plan to localize the application, choose the text carefully and limit the length to no more than 64 characters. A field value rule with this text as the final key part is needed for each locale. See Internationalization and localization.

Defer load contents Optional. Choose this option to delay loading at runtime of the section content until the user clicks the header. Deferring enables users to start using other parts of the page rather than waiting for this section to load.

To enable users to take actions, such as submit, on a work item while other content is still being loaded, configure sections to use defer loaded asynchronous declare pages. See Pega Community How to configure non-blocking UI using Asynchronous Declare Pages (ADP).

Specify a pre-loading activity Displays when you select the Defer load contents check box.

Select to run an activity prior to loading the section. Press the down arrow in the Activity field and select the activity that you want to run. Click the Open icon to review or create the activity rule.

Run Data Transform Displays when you specify a Refresh condition .

Select to run a data transform prior to refreshing the section. Press the down arrow in the field that displays and select the data transform.

Run Activity Displays when you specify a Refresh condition.

Select to run an activity prior to refreshing the section. Press the down arrow in the field that displays and select the activity that you want to run.

Associated privilegesSelect this check box to enable only users with specific privileges to view or update the section.
View Privilege Optional. To restrict the presentation of this section (in read-only mode) to those users who hold a specific privilege, select the Privilege Name key part of a privilege rule. Click the Open icon to review or create the privilege rule.
Update Privilege Optional. To restrict the presentation of this section (in read-write mode) to those users who hold a specific privilege, select the Privilege Name key part of a privilege rule. Click the Open icon to review or create the privilege rule.

If a user holds the privilege in the View Privilege field but does not hold the privilege identified in this field, the section appears in read-only format. In this case, default values for fields are not shown.

Container SettingsDisplays if you selected the Include header checkkox.
Title Optional. Type text to display in the header or subheader. This text may include directives or JSP tags, such as <p:r > or <pega:lookup >.

When you plan to localize the application using this rule, choose the text carefully and limit the length to no more than 64 characters. When practical, choose a caption already included in a language pack, to simplify later localization. A field value rule with this text as the final key part is needed for each locale.

Include icon with titleSelect if you want to include an icon in the title bar.
Icon Optional. Click the Show Image Viewer icon to open the Image Library landing page and select an image to include on the left side of the header.
Icon titleIf you want to display a tooltip when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the icon, type a text string within quotations, for example, "Select to view list".
Header type Select one of the following header styles. This field does not appear if the Format value is No Format, Hidden, Hidden Sub,Custom, or Outline.

BarProvides a static horizontal bar at the top of the layout.
CollapsibleProvides a horizontal bar at the top of the layout, with the ability to expand or collapse, to show or hide the layout, when clicked
FieldsetProvides no header area, but a border around the contents of the layout with a single text label. (This produces HTML FieldSet and Legend elements).

This field does not appear in container and harness panels.

Expand/CollapseSelect to allow the user to collapse this region of the screen layout at runtime by clicking an expand/collapse icon.User resizable Select this check box if you want to enable the user to resize the screen layout. This option is available for screen layout formats in which responsive breakpoints are set in the skin. You can set responsive breakpoints for screen layout formats with left and/or right regions.

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