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Inactive operators list report

Updated on May 27, 2022

Use the Inactive Operators List report to display a list of all users who were inactive or not logged in for more than ten days.

Pega Foundation for Healthcare
  1. Log in to Pega Smart Dispute for Issuer.
  2. In the header of Dev Studio, in the Launch Portal list, select the portal in which you manage reports.
  3. In the left navigation pane of your portal, click Reports to open the Report Browser.
  4. In the Category list, select Analyze performance.
  5. Click the Inactive Operators List report.
  6. Optional: To customize the report, in the upper-right corner of the Inactive Operators List report tab, click Edit report, or select an option in the Actions list.
    The following table provides description for the columns in the report:

    Inactive operators list

    Column NameDescription
    Operator IDThe operator who has been inactive
    Inactive from (Days)The number of days the operator has not logged into the application.
    Last Login TimeThe last recorded time of operator login (Locale Timezone).

    Inactive Operators List Report
    The Inactive Operators List report displays a list of all operators who were inactive or not logged in for more than ten days.

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