Entity attachments
Attach documents to the entity profile. You can view, download, update, or delete these documents at anytime.
In government applications, various entities hold different documents which you can view or refer in other cases. For example, a Person entity can have a passport, a birth certificate, and so on, attached to their profile. If required, you can refer these attachments in the license case.
The following are some of the features of entity attachments:
- Entity attachments offers support for entities like person, business, facility, vehicle, and household.
- When you add a new attachment, PGP creates a new document case (CL: PegaSocial-Document) .
- The AttachmentRefID property of the entity is set as the parent instance handle key of the document case. Using AttachmentRefID, the entity view screen displays the attachments of an entity.
Extending attachments for a new entity type
Hold documents for the entities of a new entity type in the implementation layer.
- In pyCaseMainInner section of entity view class, in the
Utils area, add a Documents
section with the Page context as Use clipboard page and
context value as Entity Page.
For example: For Person entity, in the pyCaseMainInner section (CL:PegaPS-Work-Entity-Person-View), in the Utils region, add a Documents section with Page context as Use clipboard page and context value as .Person.
- Before persisting the entity, set the AttachmentRefID
property. Set this property in step 3 of the PrepareObject
(CL:PegaPS-Data-Entity) data transform.
- Similarly, during the fetching of entity details, set the AttachmentRefID. In the data transform of the new entity's lookup datapage, set AttachmentRefID to ‘ @toUpperCase(.pxObjClass)+" "+.EntityID ‘. Refer FetchPersonDetails (CL:PegaPS-Data-Entity-Person) step 2.
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