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Pega Product Composer for Healthcare 8.1 deprecated rules

Updated on September 10, 2021

In Pega Product Composer for Healthcare 8.1, some rules have been deprecated for product maintainability and easier rule extension.

If you did not extend any of the rules in the following table, you do not have any task to perform.

If you did extend any of the rules in the following, select one of the following options:

  • Use the rules that are included in Pega 8.1 and extend the rules according to your organization's needs.
  • Use the data transform extension rules in Pega 8.1 to extend rules to meet your organization's needs without overriding the rules that are included in Pega Product Composer for Healthcare 8.1.
Class nameActivity rule nameDescriptionUsage

Sets the rank on a benefit and finishes the validation of the benefit entered. This validation ensures that the benefit names match the object name for the key value entered. This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: SelectBenefitsForGrouperPost

Adds another validation to check the grouper alias name before it is submitted for approval.

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Flow Action: PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: SelectBenefitsForGrouper
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: AutoDataLoadGrpValidation

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-HC-Work-AcceleratorEnterGrouperTermsPostPost-activity for the span class="rulename">EnterGrouperMetaData rule that completes the validation. This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:
  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: EnterGrouperTermsPost

This activity is referenced from the following rules:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: EnterGrouperTerms
  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: AutoDataLoadGrpValidation

These rules are updated to refer to the new rules.

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-HC-Work-AcceleratorPopulateVersionForGrouperGenerates or regenerates the version if the following are true:
  • The version is not frozen.
  • The version is blank
  • The effective and end dates have changed since the last time that the version was generated.

The work object dates and the work object .Benefit dates are used. The work object .Benefit dates are the new dates and the work object dates are the dates against which the previous version was generated. Unless these two are different, there is no need to regenerate the version.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:
  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: PopulateVersionForGrouper

Called from the post-benefit metadata.

This activity is referenced from the following rules:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: EnterGrouperTermsPost
  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-AcceleratorGrouper:CreateEntitiesWOs

These are updated to refer to the new rules.

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-NetworkPopulateVersionForNetworkGenerates or regenerates the version if the following are true:
  • The version is not frozen.
  • The version is blank.
  • The effective and end dates have changed since the last time that the version was generated.

The work object dates and the work object .Benefit dates are used. The work object .benefit dates are the new dates and the work object dates are the dates against which the previous version was generated. Unless these two are different, there is no need to regenerate the version.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Network.PopulateVersionForNetwork

Called from the post-network metadata.

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Network
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Network

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


This activity performs the necessary actions when a benefit is saved. It is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • Rule-HC-PCS-Grouper: DeleteGrouperDataPages

Called from the declare trigger of benefit save and benefit delete.

This activity is referenced from the following activity rule and is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Rule-HC-PCS-Grouper: SaveGrouperTrigger

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.



This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTermsPre

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:
  • FlowAction:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTerms


The super class activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTermsPre
This activity has no references.

This activity in the PegaHC-USA-PCS ruleset is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTermsPre

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • FlowAction:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTerms

The extension point for the EnterBenefitTermsPre (Benefit Metadata) rule. This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTermsPreEXT

Extension point for EnterBenefitTermsPre (Benefit Metadata).

This is referenced from the following rules:

  • Data Transform:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTermsPre, which is updated to refer to the new rule.
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Benefit.EnterBenefitTermsPre, which is not updated because it is not in active usage.

This activity is transformed into the following rules:

  • Data page:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work. D_UniqueWOByAliasName
  • Data transform:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Network.EnterNetworkTermsPost
This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Network .
  • Flow action:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Network. NetworkMetaData
If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.
PegaPCS-HC-Work-AcceleratorValidateDuplicatesThis activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:
  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: ValidateDuplicates

This activity is referenced from the following rule:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: SelectBenefitsForGrouperPost

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


This activity is transformed into the following report definition rule:

  • PegaHC-Data-Network-Network.ProviderNetworksList

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Data page:PegaHC-Data-Network . D_ProviderNetworks

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


Performs the necessary actions when a network is saved.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rules:

  • Rule-HC-PCS-Network.
  • DeleteNetworkDataPages

Called from the declare trigger of network save and network delete.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Activity:Rule-HC-PCS-Network . SaveNetworkTrigger

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Network.SelectProviderNetworkPost

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Flow action:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Network .

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


Extension point for SelectBenefitsForGrouperPost.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: SelectBenefitsForGrouperPostEXT

Extension point for SelectBenefitsForGrouperPost.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: SelectBenefitsForGrouperPost

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


Extension point for EnterGrouperTermsPost.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: EnterGrouperTermsPostEXT

Extension point for EnterGrouperTermsPost.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator: EnterGrouperTermsPost

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


Extension point for the EnterBenefitTermsPost (Benefit metadata) rule.

By withdrawing the EnterBenefitTermsPostEXT data transform rule that was created, this activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTermsPostEXT

Extension point for EnterBenefitTermsPost (Benefit metadata).

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTermsPost
'@baseclassremoveNameDuplicatesDeprecated rule.This is deprecated because this rule is not currently in active usage.
Rule-HC-PCS-resolvePCSRuleDeprecated rule.This is deprecated because this rule is not currently in active usage.
PegaPCS-HC-Work-AcceleratorPopulateVersionForBenefitGenerates or regenerates the version if the following are true:
  • The version is not frozen.
  • If the version is blank.
  • If the effective and end dates have changed since the last time that the version was generated.

The work object dates and the work object.Benefit dates are used. The work object.benefit dates are the new dates and work object dates are the dates against which the previous version was generated. Unless these two are different, there is not needed to regenerate the version.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.PopulateVersionForBenefit

Called from the post-benefit metadata.

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Benefit.CreateEntitiesWOs
  • Activity: PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTermsPost

Post-activity for the EnterBenefitTerms flow action.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rules:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTermsPost
  • Rule-HC-PCS-.ValidateDuplicateLOBValues
  • @baseclass GeneratePCSRuleName
Post-activity for the EnterBenefitTerms flow action.

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Benefit.BenefitDataLoadValidationsWrapper
  • FlowAction:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitTerms
'@baseclassEffectiveDateFilterFilter is
.pxResult.EffectiveDate Param.EffectiveDateFilterValue

This is a deprecated rule.

Used in autocomplete selectors for composing objects, such as templates having a list of networks or benefit sets.

Includes items whose EffDate is parent.EffDate.

This is deprecated because this rule is not currently in active usage.

Embed-HC-PCS-MapData-SetMappingParamsDeprecated rule.Currently not in active usage.


Post-activity for the EnterBenefitTerms flow action.

Post-activity for the EnterBenefitTerms flow action.

Withdrawn because a similar name data transform exists in the PegaHC-USA-PCS ruleset.

Validates the duplicates in the override service groups.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.ValidateDuplicateOverrideServiceGroup

Validates the duplicates in the override service groups.

This activity is referenced from the following rule:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.ValidateDuplicateBenefitMappings

Process Benefit Mapping entries - checks CodeGroup and CodeSet entries, generates the mapping index, and generates the Summary Plan Description (SPD) document.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.ValidateDuplicateBenefitMappings

This activity is referenced from the following rule:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitMappingPost

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • Embed-HC-PCS-Mapping-.SetMappingParams

This activity is referenced from the following rules:

  • Activity:Embed-HC-PCS-Mapping-.pyPreGridUpdate which is updated to refer to the new rule.
  • Activity:Embed-HC-PCS-MapData-.SetMappingParams which is not updated because it is not currently in active usage.
Rule-HC-PCS-NetworkValidateNetworkMetaDataValidates the network metadata, examines networks with the same name for overlapping values in the Effective Date and Term Date fields. Currently not in active usage.

This activity performs the necessary actions when a benefit is saved.

It is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • Rule-HC-PCS-Benefit.DeleteBenefitDataPages

Called from the declare trigger of benefit save and benefit delete.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Activity:Rule-HC-PCS-Benefit.SaveBenefitTrigger

Extension point for EnterBenefitMappingPost.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitMappingPostEXT
Extension point for EnterBenefitMappingPost.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitMappingPost

Processes the benefit mapping entries, checks the CodeGroup and CodeSet entries, generates the mapping Index, and generates the SPD document.

For CDT CodeGroup validation, it checks the updated data page name.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rules:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitMappingPost
  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.ValidateDuplicateBenefitMappings

Step 4 is updated with the data transform instead of the activity.

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • FlowAction:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Benefit.EnterBenefitMapping
  • FlowAction:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitMapping
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Benefit.BenefitDataLoadValidationsWrapper
PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-BenefitBenefitDataLoadValidationsWrapperEXTThis activity is the extension for the implementation layer to add additional validation for the Product Composer for Healthcare import flows.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:
  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Benefit.BenefitDataLoadValidationsWrapperEXT

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Benefit.BenefitDataLoadValidationsWrapper
PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-BenefitBenefitDataLoadValidationsWrapperThis wrapper is used for benefit data Microsoft Excel validations.

Step 4 is updated with the data transform call instead of the activity.

This activity is transformed into the data transform rule:
  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-Benefit.BenefitDataLoadValidationsWrapper

Commented step 2, which refers to the EnterBenefitTermsPost activity, because the logic is handled in the EnterBenefitTermsPost step 1 of the data transform.

This activity is referenced from the following rule:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-AutoDataLoad.UploadBenefitExcel
PegaPCS-HC-Work-AcceleratorFinalNameValidationEXTExtension point for FinalNameValidation.

This activity is not transformed because it is not in active usage.
Currently not in active usage.

Load the TempBenefits and TempGroupers valid selections for populating the BenefitSet's BenefitSetTree.

This is deprecated because this rule is not currently in active usage.


Activity called during an OnChange event for the category selector in the Add Benefit step of creating a benefit set. Selects benefits for inclusion into the benefit set.

This is deprecated because this rule is not currently in active usage.


Loads benefits for selection into the grouper creation.

This is deprecated because this rule is not currently in active usage.

PegaPCS-HC-Work-AcceleratorFinalNameValidationThis activity is not transformed because it is not in active usage.Currently not in active usage.

Presents the benefits for selection when building a benefit set.

This is deprecated.


Presents the groupers for selection when building a benefit set.

This is deprecated.


This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitSetTermsPre

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Flow Action:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitSetTerms

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


Extension point for SelectBenefitsForGrouperPre.

This is deprecated.


This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.GetSelectedPlanDetails

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Section:PegaPCS-Data-Plan.PlanCopyFrom
  • Section: PegaPCS-Data-Plan.ContractCreationAutoCompletes which is currently not in use.

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


Gets a list of products based on the value of the parameters (Category, LOB) and compares them against the .CreatedFrom property when creating a new product.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.GetSelectedProductDetails

This is used in validating the autocomplete selection of products.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Section: PegaPCS-Data-Plan.PlanCopyFrom

The following rule is not currently in active usage:

  • Section:PegaPCS-Data-Plan.ContractCreationAutoCompletes

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • Code-Pega-List-Network.RemoveVersionDuplicates

This activity is referenced from the following rules:

  • Activity:Code-Pega-List.BenefitListForBulkRenewal
  • Activity:Code-Pega-List. BenefitListWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Activity:Code-Pega-List.BenefitListWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Activity:Code-Pega-List.GetUniqueContractsForSearch
  • Activity:Code-Pega-List.GrouperWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Activity:Code-Pega-List.NetworkListWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Activity:Code-Pega-List.PRDWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Activity:Code-Pega-List.PTWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Activity:Code-Pega-List.TermWithHighestVersionForSearch

Some of the referenced activities are converted into data transforms, which are updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Activity: Code-Pega-List.BenefitListForBulkRenewal
  • Data Transform: Code-Pega-List. BenefitListWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Data Transform: Code-Pega-List.BenefitListWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Data Transform: Code-Pega-List.GetUniqueContractsForSearch
  • Data Transform: Code-Pega-List.GrouperWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Data Transform: Code-Pega-List.NetworkListWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Data Transform: Code-Pega-List.PRDWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Data Transform: Code-Pega-List.PTWithHighestVersionForSearch
  • Data Transform: Code-Pega-List.TermWithHighestVersionForSearch

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-Data-PlanInitializeContractWithContractDataActivity to take in contract attribute data.

This activity is deprecated and is not currently in active usage.

Used in the metadata step during contract creation.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is not currently in active usage:

  • Section:PegaPCS-Data-Plan.SetAttributesFromContractOrProduct

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

Code-Pega-ListBenefitListForBulkRenewalThis activity will get the list of product templates by using Elasticsearch.This activity is not currently in active usage.
PegaPCS-Data-PlanInitializePlanWithPlanData *******

Activity to take in plan data for attribute properties.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rules:

  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.InitializePlanWithPlanData
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanMainProperties
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanClientProperties
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanProductFeatures
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanCDHProperties
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanSBCProperties
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanOtherProperties

Used during plan creation in the Metadata step.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Data Transform:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-Contract.InitializePlanWithPlanData

The following rules are not currently in active usage:

  • Activity:
  • Section:

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


Post-activity for EnterBenefitSetMetaData - finishes validation.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitSetTermsPost

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Flow Action:
  • Activity:

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-HC-Work-AcceleratorPopulateVersionForBenefitSetGenerates or regenerates the version if:
  • The version is not frozen.
  • The version is blank.
  • The effective and end dates have changed since the last time that the version was generated.

The work object dates and the work object are used .Benefit dates are used. The work object.Benefit dates will be the new dates, and the work object dates will be the dates against which the previous version was generated. Unless these two are different, there is no need to regenerate the version.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.PopulateVersionForBenefitSet

Called from the post-benefit metadata.

This activity is referenced from the following activity rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Accelerator-BenefitSet.CreateEntitiesWOs
  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.EnterBenefitSetTermsPost

Extension point for testAndSubmitBenefitSetPre.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.testAndSubmitBenefitSetPreEXT

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.testAndSubmitBenefitSetPre



Sets the rank on the benefit and finishes the validation of the benefits entered. This validation ensures that benefit names match the object name for the key value entered.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.SelectGroupersAndBenefitsPost

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Flow Action:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.SelectGroupersAndBenefits
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.ADLBenefitSetValidationWrapper

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-HC-Work-AcceleratorSelectGroupersAndBenefitsPreEXTExtension point for SelectGroupersAndBenefitsPre.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.SelectGroupersAndBenefitsPre

Adds a benefit to the benefit set.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet .AddBenefit

Used in the benefit set creation flow.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Section:Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet .BenefitSelection

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-MedicalComMedPProductPre *******
This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:
  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical. ComMedPProductPre

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Flow action:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Workbelow -Commercial-Medical. ComMedTProductSelectProduct

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


Extension activity for enter metadata when creating a product template.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical. ComMedPProductPreEXT

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rule:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical. ComMedPProductPre

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-MedicalGenerateID ****Calls GenerateID in Work- to create a unique ID for this work object.

This activity is called from the Work-Cover- Add. It gets a unique ID from the database, assigns that ID, adds history, and saves the cover object.

This activity is referenced from the following activity rules, which are updated to remove the step to call this rule:

  • Activity: Rule-HC-PCS-Product. CreateTemplateWOFromRule
  • Activity: Rule-HC-PCS-Product. CreateProductWOFromRule
  • Activity: Rule-HC-PCS-Product. CreatePlanWOFromRule

The following activities are not currently in active usage:

  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan. RestartDraftPlan
  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-PTemplate. CreateProductTemplateCopy
  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-Product. CreateProductCopy
  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical. TurnIntoTemplateWork
  • Rule-HC-PCS-Product. CreateProductCopy
  • Rule-HC-PCS-Product. CreateProductTemplateCopy
  • Rule-HC-PCS-Product. CreateTemplateWOFromRule
  • Rule-HC-PCS-Product. RestartDraftProduct
  • Rule-HC-PCS-Product. RestartDraftProductTemplate
  • Rule-HC-PCS-Product. TurnIntoTemplateWork

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-Data-PlanRestartDraftPlanReferred to in the Restart Draft Plan.This activity is not currently in active usage.
PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-PTemplateCreateProductTemplateCopyThis activity is not currently in active usage.This activity is not currently in active usage.
PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-ProductCreateProductCopyThis activity is not currently in active usage.This activity is not currently in active usage.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.RearrangeBenefitOrder

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Section:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.BenefitSetBenefits

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSetRemoveEmbedPage **

Removes benefits and groupers from the BenefitSet .Benefits and .Groupers embedded page lists.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet .RemoveEmbedPage

This activity is referenced from the following activity rule:

  • Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Activity : Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet.AddBenefit
  • Activity : Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet.AddGrouper
  • Activity : PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.ValidateBSExcelData

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-Data-ContractSetAttributesFromContractOrProductActivity to invoke either an attribute copy from a pre-existing contact or product.

This activity is deprecated and is not currently in active usage.
Used during contract creation; invoked in the metadata step.

This activity is deprecated and is not currently in active usage.
PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-MedicalTurnIntoTemplateWorkThis activity is not currently in active usage.This activity is not currently in active usage.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-Contract.InitializeContractWithProductData

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Section: PegaPCS-Data-Plan.PlanCopyFrom

The following rules are not in active usage:

  • Activity: PegaPCS-Data-Plan.SetAttributesFromContractOrProduct
  • Section: PegaPCS-Data-Plan.ContractCreationAutoCompletes

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


Activity to take in product data for attribute properties.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rules:

  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanClientProperties
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanProductFeatures
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanCDHProperties
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanSBCProperties
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanOtherProperties
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.InitializeContractWithProductData
  • PegaPCS-Data-Plan.CopyPlanMainProperties

Used during contract creation in the metadata step.

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Data Transform:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-Contract.InitializeContractWithProductData

The following rules are currently not in active usage:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-Contract.InitializeContractWithProductData
  • Section:PegaPCS-Data-Plan.ContractCreationAutoCompletes

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.


This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-Contract.InitializePlanWithPlanData

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Section:PegaPCS-Data-Plan.PlanCopyFrom

The following rules are currently not in active usage:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-Data-Plan.SetAttributesFromContractOrProduct
  • Section:PegaPCS-Data-Plan.ContractCreationAutoCompletes

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-Data-PlanSetAttributesFromContractOrProductActivity to invoke either an attribute copy from a pre-existing contact or product.

This activity is deprecated and is not currently in active usage.
Used during contract creation, invoked in the metadata step.

This activity is deprecated and is not currently in active usage.

This activity is transformed into the following rule:

  • Data Transform: PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.TestAndSubmitBenefitSetPostEXT

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Activity :PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.TestAndSubmitBenefitSetPos
PegaPCS-HC-Work-AcceleratorTestAndSubmitBenefitSetPostAdded a step to check for a duplicate alias name before the rule goes to approval.

This activity is transformed into the following rule:
  • Data Transform: PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.TestAndSubmitBenefitSetPost

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Flow Action: PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.TestAndSubmitBenefitSet

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.

PegaPCS-HC-Work-AcceleratorSelectGroupersAndBenefitsPostEXTExtension point for SelectGroupersAndBenefitsPost.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Activity :PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.SelectGroupersAndBenefitsPost

Load TempBenefits and TempGroupers valid selections for populating the BenefitSet's BenefitSetTree.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.SelectGroupersAndBenefitsPre

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Flow Action: PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.SelectGroupersAndBenefits
  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.ADLBenefitSetValidationWrapper

The following activity rules are not in active usage, so they are not updated:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.getBenefitsForSet
  • Embed-HC-PCS-BenefitSet.getBenefitsForBSet
  • Rule-HC-PCS-Product.getDraftBenefitsForBSet
  • @baseclass.ListAllBenefits



Appends the rule page embedded values to either the .Groupers or .Benefits list.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet .AddRuleToEmbedList

Adding benefits and groupers to a benefit set uses this to update the respective lists during the Add functionality.

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Activity:Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet.AddBenefit
  • Activity:Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet.AddGrouper
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.ValidateBSExcelData

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.



Removes a benefit or grouper from the benefit set, updates benefits and groupers accordingly.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet.RemoveChildItem

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Section:Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet .BenefitSetTree

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.



Adds a grouper to the benefit set.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet .AddGrouper

Used to add a grouper to a benefit set.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Section : Rule-HC-PCS-BenefitSet .BenefitSelection

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.



Clears test mapping and prepares data for another test.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.testAndSubmitBenefitSetPre

Clears test mapping and prepares data for another test.

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Flow Action: PegaPCS-HC-Work-Accelerator.TestAndSubmitBenefitSet

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.



Creates a copy of the product template.

This activity is not currently in active usage.

Used to copy the product template.

This activity is not currently in active usage.



This activity is not currently in active usage.

This activity is not currently in active usage.



This activity is not currently in active usage.

This activity is not currently in active usage.



This activity is not currently in active usage.

This activity is not currently in active usage.



Creates a copy of the product.

This activity is not currently in active usage.

Used to create a copy of the product.

This activity is not currently in active usage.



This activity is blocked.

This activity is not currently in active usage.



This activity is blocked.

This activity is not currently in active usage.



This activity is blocked.

This activity is not currently in active usage.



This activity is blocked.

This activity is not currently in active usage.



This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical . CostSharesPreButton

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Activity: PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical . SetDefaultCostShares



This activity will be called from the screen's navigation rule and will internally call the activity that sets the default value.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical . SetDefaultCostShares

This activity is referenced from the following rule, which is updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Navigation:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical.CostShareDefaultData



This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical : CostSharesPost

This activity is referenced from the following rules:

  • Flow Action:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical: ComMedTProductEditCostShares, which is updated to refer to the new rule.
  • Flow Action:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical:EditCostShares, which is not updated to refer the new rule because it is not currently in active usage.

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.



Used to collapse the BenefitsetTree at the network level.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work.AlignBenefitSetTree

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Activity: PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-PTemplate.PerformDefaults
  • Activity: PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-PTemplate.PreConfigurePolicy
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-Product.PerformDefaults
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-Product.PreConfigurePolicy
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical-Product.ReviewProductAndSubmitPost
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical.BuildStructurePost
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical.BuildTreeStructurePost
  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical.ProductTemplateReviewPost



This activity is transformed into the following rule:

  • Data Transform: PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical.ValidateDuplicateBenefitsForCarveOut

This activity is referenced from the following rules, which are updated to refer to the new rules:

  • Activity : PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical.GenerateBenefitSetTreeStructure
  • Activity : PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical.GenerateTreeStructure
  • Activity : PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical.GenerateTreeStructureWrapper
  • Activity : PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical.ValidationsWrapperforBSandCV
  • Flow Action : PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical.RegenerateTreeProcess



This activity validates the product-, product template-, and plan-level cost shares. It validates if all the cost shares are marked as N/A and displays an error: "All the cost shares can't be marked N/A, at least one cost share should be configured".

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical : ValidateMinimumRequiredCostShares

This activity is referenced from the following rule:

  • Activity:PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical: CostSharesPost which is updated to refer the above new rule.

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.



Extension point for CostSharesPost.

This activity is transformed into the following data transform rule:

  • PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical. CostSharesPostEXT

This activity is referenced from the following rule:

  • Activity: PegaPCS-HC-USA-Work-Commercial-Medical: CostSharesPost, which is updated to refer to the new rule.

If any of the updated rules are extended, move the customization to the corresponding replacement rules.



This activity was copied from GuardrailPost activity because the GuardrailFlow action was removed from the product template. Necessary steps that are related to the Product Template Configure tree and others are included here. Unwanted steps are commented.

This activity included in the post activity of ComMedTProductEditCostShares (Cost Share) flow action.

This is deprecated because this rule is not currently in active usage.



This is deprecated because it is not in active usage.

This is deprecated because it is not in active usage.

  • Previous topic Migrating Pega Product Composer for Healthcare entities from 7.13 to 7.21
  • Next topic Generating and deleting a flattened object structure for a product

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