Standard reports by category
Standard reports by category
Reports are organized into categories based on the purpose of the report so that you can efficiently locate the report you need.
The following categories and standard reports are available:
Case Metrics
- Case volume – For the last seven days, provides the cases created per day grouped by case type.
- Time per stage – Provides a stacked bar chart of resolved cases by stage with the length of the bar representing the length of time.
Open Cases
- Open case timeliness – Provides the case-level SLA status for open cases.
Service Level Performance
- Open step timeliness – Provides the assignment SLA status grouped by assignment.
- User timeliness – Provides the assignment SLA status grouped by user.
Step Performance
- Goals and deadlines by step – Provides the SLA status grouped by assignment.
- Step duration – Provides a historical view of the time it took a user to complete a step.
- Time spent in step – Provides a historical view of the time spent on a particular step.
- Usage reports
Usage reports generate statistics about the usage and performance of report definition reports in the current application. Usage reports are defined in the Log-ReportStatistics class.
- Report categories
A category provides a way for managers to classify and organize reports in the Report Browser.
- Keystores
A keystore is a file that contains keys and certificates that you use for encryption, authentication, and serving content over HTTPS. In Pega Platform, you create a keystore data instance that points to a keystore file.
- Standard reports and categories
All reports are organized by categories. Each report must belong to one category, but you can have report shortcuts to the same report in more than one category.
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