FinalChargeBack flow
The FinalChargeBack flow is used to check the time frames and initiate a final chargeback within time frames, and handle the wait period and accounting logic.
The flow checks whether the time frame expired, where the representment date is within 45 days from the current date before initiating the final chargeback. If time frames have expired, the case is navigated to the Process time frame expiry to handle expiry actions.
If the time frame is not expired, in the Initiate Final Chargeback screen, the user can capture necessary details to file the Final chargeback, change the reason code, and answer the supporting questions needed for filing.
Is Partial: Checks if the Final chargeback amount is less than the disputed amount. If so, the case navigates to the MP WO/CH sub-flow. This invokes MultiprongedWOAndCHAccounting to handle process Issuer liability for the Write-off and Cardholder liable accounting scenarios.
PendDoC: Split join and invoke the PDWrapper over pyWorkPage.FinalChargeBack page, where the flow determines whether documents are required for the dispute reason code and initiates the wait for document flow.
Chargeback Approval: Used for chargeback approval. Routes the case to the chargeback approval work basket for approval if the chargeback amount is over a specified threshold.
Is Reason code changed: If the FinalChargeBack.ReasoncodeChangeInd is Yes, the WaitFor15DaysFlow flow is invoked. This flow checks whether the dispute must wait for 15 days before it is submitted for final processing.
Final Chargeback accounting: The accounting for a final chargeback is handled by invoking the FinalChargebackAccounting flow.
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