Functional changes
When the user selects Initiate Final Chargeback and submits the Representment summary screen, the system checks for the final chargeback time frame expiry, as a final chargeback can only be submitted or initiated within 45 days from the Representment date.
If the time frame has expired, the case will move to the Time Frame Expired Dispute screen where the user must choose one of the following options:
- Process liability
- Continue dispute
If the user selects Process liability as an action for further processing, then user must select either Write off, Cardholder liable, or both. The user then enters the appropriate amounts. The sum of the Write-off amount and Cardholder liable amount must be equal to the dispute amount.
If the user selects Continue dispute as an action for further processing even after the time frame expiry, then the user have an option to continue the dispute by selecting either of the following:
- Initiate Pre Compliance
- Initiate Good Faith
Based on the selection, the case navigates to the corresponding flow.
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