Retrieving a Custom audit and display
To retrieve a custom audit and display, complete the following steps.
Create a section CustomAudit (PegaPS-Work-ICM) to display the audit.
This section should have CustomAuditDetails (History-Work-) in a repeating dynamic layout, whose source is the datapage D_WorkHistory that displays the details of the audit.
D_WorkHistory uses the activity GetWorkHistory (Code-Pega-List) as a data source. This activity calls GetWorkHistory (History-Work-), which has the parameter CaseInstanceKey. In this activity, pyReportClass is generated by appending History- to CaseInstanceKey if it is not null else, it will be History-Work-. In this activity, call either the GetWorkHistory or GetWorkHistoryWithLatLong report definition, based on the when rule pyIsLatLongExposed.
In the GetWorkHistory and GetWorkHistoryWithLatLong report definitions, add an addition filter condition to retrieve rows based on the column pyMemo when it is not null. Note that the pyMemo column is null by default.
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