Streamlining campaign generation for next-best-action paid audiences
To streamline the creation of advertising campaign on Facebook and Google destinations, enable the option to automatically create campaigns for each action and ad sets or groups for each paid audience.
Advertisers must configure campaigns on ad platforms to use Next-Best-Action based paid audiences. For Google Ads and Facebook Ads, this task can be streamlined.
Enabling campaign generation for Facebook Ads and Google Ads creates a campaign for each offer. If a paid strategy is used, an ad set and ad group is generated for each priority level. These priority-specific ad groups/ad sets can be configured with a max bid aligned with the priority level.
To enable this option for a specific Facebook Ads or Google Ads destination:
- Log in to App Studio.
- Click or Google Ads.
- Edit or create a destination.
- In the Facebook/Google Ads assets generation section, select Enable campaign generation.
- Click Apply.
- Enable the paid destination you created in the Next-Best-Action Designer.For more information, see Triggering paid updates through Next-Best-Action.
- Once the individual data for this destination has been synchronized, for example, after a scheduled run, log in to Facebook Business Manager or to your Google AdWords account.
- Review the automatically generated campaigns. If needed, adjust the campaign
name, objective, budget, and other settings.
- Finish the configuration of the automatically generated advertising campaigns in the destination platform.
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