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Pega Warranty APIs

Updated on September 10, 2021

Pega Warranty provides a number of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that support external data source integration. The rules in the application reference the data pages to retrieve and update the data. When a rule references a data page, based on the configuration for the data source, the system uses either an existing instance of the data page or creates a new one. The data page defines the freshness of the data.

Sample data is provided in order to view how the interfaces may be used in Pega Warranty. All sample data is maintained in the Pega 7 Platform database tables.

The following tables list the interfaces available in the Pega Warranty application. Interface classes represent Pega data classes that you can redirect to external systems by updating the data pages listed in the data page column.

Each built-on application should override only the necessary interfaces.
InterfaceData PageData Page descriptionInterface classesData base tables involvedDescription of tables
ProductD_ProductListReturns the list of productsPegaMfg-Int-Productmfg_productContains transactional data related to a product
D_ProductReturns a single productPegaMfg-Int-ProductMastermfg_product_masterHolds master data related to a product
Warranty InformationD_WarrantyReturns a list of warranties for a particular productPegaMfg-Int-Warrantymfg_warrantyHolds master data related to a Warranty policy
PegaMfg-Int-ProductWarrantymfg_product_warranty_mapHolds the mapping data between a product and a Warranty policy
CustomerD_CustomerReturns information for a single customerPegaApp-Interface-Contactpa_contactHolds personal details related to a customer
PegaApp-Interface-Addresspa_addressHolds address details of a customer
DealerD_DealerReturns data related to a dealerPegaMfg-Int-Dealermfg_dealerHolds details related to a dealer
SupplierD_SupplierReturns data related to a supplierPegaApp-Interface-BusinessUnitpa_businessunitHolds details regarding the supplier business unit
PegaApp-Interface-Contact-CommunicationOptionspa_Communication_OptionsHolds information related to the communication options
PegaApp-Interface-Contactpa_contactHolds details related to a supplier
PegaApp-Interface-Addresspa_addressHolds address details of a supplier
PartsD_PartReturns information for a single partPegaMfg-Int-Partsmfg_partsHolds data related to a part cost, markup cost, and so on
D_PartListReturns a list of parts
LaborD_LaborReturns data related to a single labor codePegaMfg-Int-LaborCodesmfg_labor_codesHolds data related to the labor code, labor description, hourly rate, and so on
D_LaborCodeListReturns a list of labor codes
MiscellaneousD_MiscReturns data related to a single expense codePegaMfg-Int-MiscCodesmfg_misc_codesHolds data related to the miscellaneous expenses, such as code, description, and so on
D_MiscCodeListReturns a list of expense codes
Causal CodeD_CausalCodeReturns data related to a single causal codePegaMfg-Int-CausalCodesmfg_causal_codesHolds master data related to causal codes, such as code and description
D_CausalCodeListReturns a list of causal codesPegaMfg-Int-RepairDataElementMappingmfg_repair_elem_mapHolds the mapping between the CausalCode and the other repair elements, such as CustomerConcernCode, AreaOfFailureCode, and RepairTypeCode
Customer Concern CodeD_CustConcernCodeReturns data related to a single causal codePegaMfg-Int-CustomerConcernCodemfg_cust_con_codesHolds master data related to the customer concern codes, such as code and description
D_CustConcernCodeListReturns a list of a customer concern codesPegaMfg-Int-RepairDataElementMappingmfg_repair_elem_mapHolds the mapping between the CustomerConcernCode, and, for example, ProductID
Corrective actionD_CorrectiveActionReturns data related to a single corrective action codePegaMfg-Int-CorrectiveActionmfg_corrective_actionsHolds master data related to the corrective action codes, such as code and description
D_CorrectiveActionsListReturns a list of a corrective actions
Pre Defined RepairsD_PreDefinedRepairListReturns a list of predefined parts, labor, or miscellaneous expenses for a particular PDRCodePegaMfg-Int-PreDefinedRepairmfg_predefined_repairsHolds mapping data related to a PDR code with the parts, labor, and miscellaneous expense codes
Measure unitsD_MeasureUnitsReturns a list of measuring units for a particular measure typePegaMfg-Int-MeasureUnitsmfg_measure_unitsHolds measuring units for different measure types
Shipping AddressD_AddressReturns data related to a single address codePegaMfg-Int-Addressmfg_addressHolds data related to the shipping addresses
D_AddressesReturns a list of shipping addresses
Countries and AOR mappingD_AORCountryListReturns a list of countries in a particular regionPegaMfg-Int-AORCountrymfg_aor_country_mapHolds data related to the mapping between the countries and the area of responsibility regions
Area of failureD_AreaOfFailureReturns a list of failure areas based on the product ID and the customer concern code parametersPegaMfg-Int-AreaOfFailuremfg_areas_of_failureHolds master data related to the area of failure, such as code and description
PegaMfg-Int-RepairDataElementMappingmfg_repair_elem_mapHolds the mapping between the CausalCode and the other repair elements, such as CustomerConcernCode or ProductID
CampaignD_ProcessedCampaignsReturns a list of campaigns used for a particular productPegaMfg-Int-Campaignmfg_campaignHolds data related to the campaigns that are used for a particular product
Program Criteria OperationsD_CriteriaOperationListReturns a list with details regarding the type of selections, such as equal to and greater than, which can be used in a common request programPegaMfg-Int-CriteriaOperationmfg_program_criteriaHolds details regarding the type of selections, such as equal to and greater than, which can be used in a common request program
DocumentD_DocumentListReturns a list of documentsPegaMfg-Int-Documentmfg_documentHolds data related to the documents, such as name, format, location, and so on
InstructionsD_InstructionsReturns a list of instructions based on the part/product ID and the type of instructionsPegaMfg-Int-Instructionsmfg_instructionsHolds the data related to the instructions, such as the type of instruction, whether it is a shipping instruction or inspection instruction, and so on
PegaMfg-Int-InstructionMappingmfg_instructions_mapHolds mapping data between the instruction and a part/product ID
OrderD_RecentOrderReturns a list of recent ordersPegaMfg-Int-Ordermfg_ordersHolds data related to customer purchase orders
OrderItemD_OrderedItemsReturns a list of order items that are a part of a single orderPegaMfg-Int-OrderItemmfg_order_itemsHolds data related to the order items of different orders
Part SerializationD_PartSerializationReturns data related to a part serializationPegaMfg-Int-PartSerializationmfg_parts_serializationHolds data related to a part serialization
PreDefined CommentD_PreDefinedCommentsReturns a list of predefined comments for a particular BOM category, such as parts, labor, miscellaneous, and so onPegaMfg-Int-PreDefinedCommentmfg_predefined_commentsHolds predefined comments and the applicable category, such as parts, labor, miscellaneous, and so on
CRP Program typesD_ProgramTypesListReturns a list of the program types to be selected in a common request programPegaMfg-Int-ProgramTypesmfg_program_typesHolds data related to the program types that can be selected in a common request program
CRP Program and Work type mappingD_ProgramWorkTypeMappingListReturns a list of case types for a particular work typePegaMfg-Int-ProgramWorkTypeMappingmfg_program_work_mapHolds data related to the mapping between the program type and the case types of a CRP
Property AliasD_PropertyAliasListReturns a list of property aliases applicable for a particular work typePegaMfg-Int-PropertyAliasmfg_property_aliasHolds metadata about the property aliases that are selected in the criteria of the CRP
PegaMfg-Int-RepairDataElementMappingmfg_repair_elem_mapHolds the mapping between the CustomerConcernCode and the other repair elements, such as ProductID
Repair TypeD_RepairListReturns a list of repair types based on parameters, such as ProductID, Areoffailure, and CustomerConcernCodePegaMfg-Int-RepairTypemfg_repair_typesHolds master data related to the repair types
PegaMfg-Int-RepairDataElementMappingmfg_repair_elem_mapHolds the mapping between the repair type and the other repair elements, such as ProductID, AreaOfFailure, and CustomerConcernCode
Repair VendorD_RepairVendorListReturns all data related to the repair techniciansPegaMfg-Int-RepairVendormfg_repair_vendorHolds data related to the repair technicians, such as name, address, and so on
PegaMfg-Int-VendorAvailabilitymfg_vendor_availabilityHolds data related to the availability of the repair technicians
CRP Response MappingD_ResponseMappingListReturns details related to the response types that are available for a particular program and case typePegaMfg-Int-ResponseMappingmfg_response_mappingHolds details related to the response types available for a particular program and case type
Supplier contract details  PegaMfg-Int-Suppliermfg_supplierHolds data related to the supplier contract with the manufacturer
Part DispositionD_DispositionsReturns a list of dispositions applicable for a partPegaMfg-Int-Dispositionsmfg_dispositionsHolds the dispositions applicable for a part

In the auto specialization some of the above interfaces have been modified to point to a different database tables:

InterfaceData PageData page descriptionInterface classesData base tables involvedDescription of tables
VehicleD_ProductsListReturns a list of productsPegaMfg-Int-Product_Automfg_product_autoHolds transactional data related to a vehicle
D_ProductReturns a single productPegaMfg-Int-ProductMastermfg_product_masterHolds the generic master data related to a vehicle
PegaMfg-Int-ProductMaster_Automfg_product_master_autoHolds the auto-specific master data related to a vehicle
PartsD_PartReturns information about a single partPegaMfg-Int-Parts_Automfg_parts_autoHolds data related a part, such as the part cost, markup cost, and so on
D_PartListReturns a list of parts
Causal CodeD_CausalCodeReturns data related to a single causal codePegaMfg-Int-CausalCode_Automfg_causal_codes_autoHolds master data related to causal codes, such as code and description
D_CausalCodeListReturns a list of causal codesPegaMfg-Int-RepairDataElementMapping_Automfg_repair_elem_map_autoHolds the mapping between the CausalCode and the other repair elements, such as the CustomerConcernCode, AreaOfFailureCode, RepairTypeCode, and so on
Customer Concern CodeD_CustConcernCodeReturns data related to a single causal codePegaMfg-Int-CustomerConcernCode_Automfg_cust_con_codes_autoHolds master data related to customer concern codes, such as code and description
D_CustConcernCodeListReturns a list of a customer concern codesPegaMfg-Int-RepairDataElementMapping_Automfg_repair_elem_map_autoHolds the mapping between the CustomerConcernCode and the other repair elements, such as ProductID
Repair TypeD_RepairListReturns a list of repair types based on the parameters, such as ProductID, AreaOfFailure, CustomerConcernCode, and so onPegaMfg-Int-RepairType_Automfg_repair_types_autoHolds master data related to repair types
PegaMfg-Int-RepairDataElementMapping_Automfg_repair_elem_map_autoHolds the mapping between the repair type and the other repair elements, such as ProductID, AreaOfFailure, CustomerConcernCode, and so on


System Architect Lead System Architect Business Architect Experience Designer Pega Delivery Leader System/Cloud Ops Administrator Manufacturing

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