Selecting the translation package and rulesets
After the translation package has been translated, reopen the wizard so that you can import the translated values.
In the header of Dev Studio, click
.In the ID column, select a work item to import.
In the Select a RuleSet list, click a ruleset and version to save field values to.
If you pick a non-localized ruleset, the wizard creates a new localized ruleset and version. If the ruleset already exists, translations are imported to the existing localized ruleset.
If a ruleset version exists but is not displayed in the list, it is locked. In this case, either unlock it or use another version.
- Optional:
If you created your own language pack that includes standard Pega Platform field values, import it to a top-level (organization) application ruleset so that it can be shared across business applications.
Your custom language pack cannot be imported to standard Pega rulesets.
Select the ruleset versions to save HTML paragraphs, correspondences, and correspondence fragments.
Paragraph rules are imported by the wizard into the language rulesets. You must manually import correspondence and correspondence fragments.
Click Next.
- Importing the translation file
To complete the translation process, import the translation files that you received from the translator. After the translation files are imported, the original field values are replaced with their translations.
- Localization wizard
Use the Localization wizard to make an application available in additional languages. The wizard automates many of the steps necessary to create language-specific rulesets.
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