Adding and configuring a Link control
By adding a Link control to a layout, you make it possible for application users to display a new form or move the cursor to a different spot on the current form. By configuring a Link control, you give your application a consistent look and feel.
You can complete the following tasks:
- Add a link control to a layout
You add a Link control to a layout to enable users to open a new form or view from the current one.
- Specifying the caption for a Link control
Using a caption for a Link control makes it easier for application users to understand the link's purpose and to complete their tasks.
- Specifying the image source and tooltip for a Link control
Using images and tooltips to indicate a link's purpose makes it easier for application users to understand a form and to complete their tasks.
- Specifying presentation options for a Link control
Three predefined formats are available for Link controls: Strong, Standard, and Simple. Using these formats consistently in your application makes the user interface more predictable and makes it easier for users to complete forms.
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