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Transferring triage cases

Updated on January 12, 2022

To ensure that a specific request in a user email is immediately forwarded to the correct person, a customer service representative (CSR) can transfer a triage case to another Pega Platform user, or a work queue. Transferring triage cases escalates the problem to the right person, streamlines the correct response, and efficiently processes user requests and reported issues.

For example, a CSR can transfer an email request for a car insurance quote to an insurance manager, for immediate action.
  1. Open a portal by performing one of the following actions:
    • To open the Case Manager portal, in App Studio, click Case Manager.
    • To open the Email Manager portal, in App Studio, click Case Manager, and then click Email Manager.
  2. Open a triage case by performing one of the following actions:
    • To edit a triage case in the Case Manager portal, in the dashboard view for the list of cases, click a case name.
    • To edit a triage case in the Email Manager portal, in the list of emails, click an email.
    For example: Click ET-733.
  3. In the toolbar above the text of the email message, click Transfer.
  4. In the Transfer window, transfer the triage case to one of the following users:
    1. In the Transfer to list, select Operator.
    2. To select an operator from your own work group, click Operator from the work group 'My team' To select an operator from outside of your work group, click Operator from the system.
    3. In the Operator field, press the Down arrow key, and then select an operator.
    4. Optional: To add a note to the transfer, in the Audit note field, enter a message about the transfer action for the next operator.
    5. Click Transfer.
    Reporting manager
    1. In the Transfer to list, select Reporting manager.
    2. Optional: To modify the default transfer note, in the Audit note field, edit the text describing the transfer action for the reporting manager.
      For example: The 'Email triage' assignment is being transferred to reporting manager 'Andrew M'.
    3. Click Transfer.
    Work queue
    1. In the Transfer to list, select Work queue.
    2. In the Work queue field, press the Down arrow key, and then select a work queue.
      For example: Sales department
    3. Optional: To add a note to the transfer, in the Audit note field, enter a message about the transfer action for the work queue.
    4. Click Transfer.
    Work group
    1. In the Transfer to list, select Work group.
    2. In the Work group field, press the Down arrow key, and then select a work group.
    3. Optional: To add a note to the transfer, in the Audit note field, enter a message about the transfer action for the work group.
    4. Click Transfer.
    Work group manager
    1. In the Transfer to list, select Work group manager.
    2. Optional: To modify the default transfer note, in the Audit note field, edit the text describing the transfer action for the work group manager.
      For example: The 'Email triage' assignment is being transferred to manager 'Susan R'.
    3. Click Transfer.
What to do next: Once a customer service representative takes actions to address the issue reported in the triage case, for example, they spin off a related business case and reply to the user, they can then mark the triage case as completed. For more information, see Resolving triage cases.

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