Use trend charts to visualize application quality and view more metrics
The overall look and feel of the Application Quality dashboard has been redesigned to provide a better user experience to help identify problem areas for the following metrics:
- Guardrail scores
- Test coverage
- Test pass rate for unit and scenario testing
- Quality metrics for case types
The Application Quality dashboard now displays trend charts for each quality metric, so that you can track changes in metrics over time. You can also see detailed trend charts about test coverage and unit testing by opening landing pages for them. In addition, a tile for scenario testing has been added to the Application Quality landing page, and you can click View details to open the Scenario testing landing page.
Application Quality landing page
You also can configure the display and reporting settings of your Application Quality dashboard by clicking Configure > Application > Quality > Settings. You can view the following types of information:
- Applications in the application stack to include in the metrics
- The duration of time for trend charts
- Configuration options for scenario and unit testing
For more information, see Application Quality landing page.
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