Creating a repository
Create connections between Pega Platform and repositories to provide centralized storage, versioning, and metadata support for file storage in your Pega application. For example, you can store and source file and case attachments, or for use in a DevOps pipeline configuration.
Pega Cloud supports the use a of client file repository instead of Pega Cloud File Storage as well. Configure a file repository using an option below to use that repository throughout Pega Platform.
On-premises and client-managed cloud systems can store case and Pulse attachments in a file repository after you create the respective repository. Configure a file repository using an option below to use that repository throughout Pega Platform.
The information you enter when you create the connection determines the file specification, also referred to as a file spec. A file spec is an alias, that is, a way to reference file locations that is independent of the physical file storage. A file spec is resolved based on configured file storage, such as a repository.
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