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Updated on July 5, 2022

Components in this category filter, rank or sort the information from the source components. Enriched data representing equivalent alternatives is typically selected by prioritization components.

Note that segment filter, contact policy and geofence filter components are only available in a Next-Best-Action Marketing (NBAM) application.


Filter components apply a filter condition to the outputs of the source components. Filter components express the arbitration through the Filter condition tab.

Two modes can be used to filter the results of the source components:

  • If the Filter condition option is selected, enter a filter condition (expression).

    Click on the cog icon to build an expression with the Expression Builder.

  • If the Proposition filter option is selected, reference an instance of the Proposition Filter rule that already exists or create a new one.

    • Optional: Select the Explain results option, and specify properties where you want to store results (the True/False property) and explanations (the Text property) for the selected Proposition Filter rule instance.

    Note: If you do not select this option, the Filter component passes only the eligible propositions (with behavior set to true ) and skips the rest (with behavior set to false ).


Prioritization components rank the components that connect to it based on the value of a strategy property or based on a combination of strategy properties. These components can be used to determine the service/product offer predicted to have the highest level of interest or profit. Prioritization components express the arbitration through the Prioritization tab.

  • Two modes can be used to order the results: by priority or alphabetically. Each mode toggles its own specific settings.
    • If Prioritize values is selected, Order by settings are displayed.
    • If Sort alphabetical is selected, Sort settings are displayed instead.
  • The Expression field is used to define properties providing prioritization criteria through an expression.
  • The Output settings (Top and All) define how many results should be considered in the arbitration. The Top option considers the first results as specified in the field next to it and All considers all results.

Segment Filter

Segment filter components reference a segment rule, allowing for determining if a case falls in a given segment. The arbitration itself is expressed through the referenced rule. The segment rule is executed on customer data (the primary page of the strategy) and returns true if the case is part of the segment it represents.

Segment filter components set the pxSegment property to the name of the referenced segment rule and also the pxRank property. If other components do not connect to it, the segment filter returns a list with a single row (the case is part of the segment) or an empty list (the case is not part of the segment). If there are components that connect to it, the segment filter returns all or no strategy results.

Contact Policy

Contact policy components reference a contact policy rule, allowing for determining if the customer should be contacted. As with the segment filter component, the arbitration itself is expressed through the referenced rule. Contact policy components typically have source components and return a subset of strategy results matching the criteria defined in the contact policy rule. The output options allow for refining the amount of results returned by the component. In case the order of the results is relevant, you need to prioritize them and provide that ordered input to the contact policy component.

Geofence Filter

Geofence filter components reference one or more geofence rules, allowing for determining if a customer has triggered a given geofence. Geofence filters typically have source components and return a subset of strategy results if a customer has triggered a given geofence based on the current customer location. The customer location can be provided through properties representing the latitude and longitude or real-time events.

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