Configuring Facebook Lead Ads
Facebook Lead Ads provides a mechanism to drive individuals from an anonymous to a known state by running lead generation campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. They include a contact form for individuals that allows them to get in touch with a business. Leads generated with Facebook Lead Ads are captured directly in Pega Customer Decision Hub. For more information about Facebook Lead Ads, see Lead ads.
Pega Customer Decision Hub
To start using Facebook Lead Ads to collect contact information from prospects:
- Ensure that your application can both send and receive data from Facebook.
- Obtain a Facebook Ads access token with the following permissions:
- manage_pages
- Request the leads_retrieval and manage_pages permissions for Facebook Ads Lead Retrieval API and submit your app to App Review. These permissions are necessary to retrieve lead information once a lead ID is received from Webhooks.
- In the Facebook Ads destination configuration, enter the access token and select Enable Lead Generation. Auto-generated Webhook URL and token appear.
- In Facebook Ads, configure the Webhook URL and token, and subscribe to lead generation. For more information, refer to Facebook Ads documentation.
- Optional: If you changed the field names in the Facebook lead form, edit the data transform PegaMKT-Data-PaidMedia-LeadAdResponse.FacebookFieldMapping.
- Optional: Modify the default activity that saves captured leads to better integrate it with your lead handling process. The name of the activity is PegaMKT-Data-PaidMedia-LeadAdResponse.ProcessProspect.
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