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Configuring mobile treatments

Updated on September 15, 2022

A mobile treatment represents the visual message you want to communicate to your customer on the mobile channel. It typically consists of an image or HTML fragment and text which is rendered in a specific location on a web page when viewed on mobile devices. If a user clicks on this image or HTML, Pega Customer Decision Hub tracks the click event and redirects the user to a specified web page. This redirection is specified through the click-through URL.

Pega Customer Decision Hub
  1. Optional: If the default list of fields available on the other treatment form does not contain a property which you require, edit the MobileTreatments Decision Data rule used by the treatments.
    For more information, see Managing Decision Data rules in Pega Customer Decision Hub. Any new properties you add to the form are automatically available for all previously created treatments.
  2. On the Treatments landing page, click CreateMobile.
  3. Enter a unique name and a description for the treatment.
  4. Specify when the treatment is active.
    • Always
    • Never
    • Within a defined time period
  5. In the Eligibility section, select the eligibility condition that you want to apply to this treatment.
    For more information, see Defining treatments for actions.
  6. In the Content URL field, provide a link to an image or HTML fragment to display for this treatment. For example, this can be the URL of an image hosted in a content repository.
    Result: After you populate the Content URL field, a preview of the content is displayed on the bottom of the page. For image content, the Dimensions field shows the image dimensions in pixels.
  7. In the Click-through URL field, provide a link to a web page or a file that provides more details on the action for which you created the treatment. Clicking this link will re-direct to the URL specified in this field.
  8. In the Format field, specify whether the treatment content is a plain image or an HTML fragment.
  9. In the Placement type field, select the intended location and style of the treatment design. For example, the treatment can appear as a large central banner, as a rotating strip of images, or as a footer.
    • Carousel
    • Feature band
    • Footer bar
    • Hero
    • Page takeover
    • Tile
    Tip: Each placement type is a field value defined for the PlacementType property of your SR class. To remove a placement type, save the field value into your Artifacts implementation ruleset, and then withdraw the field value. To add a new field value, create it with the following properties:
    • Label – The name of placement type (for example, Hero)
    • Identifier – Same as the label
    • Field namePlacementType
    • Apply toData-pxStrategyResult (or your top-level SR class)
  10. In the Language field, specify the language of the treatment.
  11. Click Create.
Result: The Treatment you created is now available for use in actions.
What to do next: If you want to use adaptive analytics for Next-Best-Treatment selection, save the Web_Click_Through_Rate adaptive model into your Artifacts ruleset and add the relevant Customer property predictors. The predictors allow the adaptive model to learn and produce the desired results.

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